北京语言大学 2024 年 国际中文教师奖学金申请办法

Beijing Language and Culture University Application Guide for
International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024

为满足国际社会对日益增长的中文教育类人才的需求, 促进世界各国中文教育的发展,助力国际中文教育人才的成 长,教育部中外语言交流合作中心(以下简称中心)设立国 际中文教师奖学金(以下简称奖学金),聚焦培养合格的海 外中文教师。

根据中心发布的《国际中文教师奖学金申请办法(2024 年)》及相关文件要求,公布《北京语言大学 2024 年国际中 文教师奖学金申请办法》如下。孔子学院、独立设置的孔子 课堂,部分汉语考试考点,外国相关教育机构、高校中文师 范专业/中文院系、国外有关中文教学行业组织、中国驻外 使(领)馆等(以下简称推荐机构)可推荐优秀学生和在职 中文教师到北京语言大学学习和进修国际中文教育及相关 专业。

To meet the growing international demand for Chinese language teachers, facilitate Chinese language education around the world, and support the professional development of Chinese language teachers, the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) has established the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as the Scholarship) for eligible Chinese language teachers outside of China.

The applications to Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) in particular for such a scholarship should follow the guidelines below, a version with reference to the Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024 released by CLEC. Confucius Institutes, independent Confucius Classrooms, selected HSK test centers, foreign educational institutions, Chinese language teacher training programs/Chinese departments at foreign universities, professional associations for Chinese language teaching, Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad (hereinafter collectively referred to as Recommending Institutions) may recommend outstanding students and in-service Chinese language teachers to further their studies in international Chinese language education and related programs at Chinese universities (hereinafter referred to as Host Institutions).


1.非中国籍人士; 2.对华友好,无违法犯罪记录,遵守中国政府的法律、法规 和学校的规章制度;

5.年龄为 16-35 周岁(统一以 2024 年 9 月 1 日计)。在职 中文教师放宽至 45 周岁,本科奖学金申请者一般不超过 25 周岁。


a) Be a non-Chinese citizen;
b) Be friendly to China, have no criminal record, abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of the Host Institution;
c) Be in good physical and mental health, be in good academic and behavioral standing;
d) Be interested in Chinese language education and related work;
e) Be aged between 16 and 35 years on September 1, 2024. The maximum age limit for in-service Chinese teachers may be extended to 45, but those who apply for a scholarship for a Bachelor’s degree shall be younger than 25 under most circumstances.




A. ChineseLanguageTeacherPrograms


2024 年 9 月入学,资助期限为 4 年。

具有硕士学历,硕士专业为对外汉语、语言学、国际中 文教育或者教育相关专业。汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(六级) 200 分、HSKK(高级)60 分。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协 议或相关证明者优先。

a) Scholarship for Doctor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education

The program commences in September 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four academic years.
Applicants shall hold a Master’s degree in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, linguistics, international Chinese language education, or education-related disciplines. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 200 on the HSK Test (Level 6) and 60 on the HSKK test (Advanced Level). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof to the same effect.


2024 年 9 月入学,资助期限为 2 年。

具有大学本科学历。汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(五级)210 分、 HSKK(中级)60 分。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议 或相关证明者优先。

b) Scholarship for Master’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education

The program commences in September 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of two academic years.
Applicants shall hold a Bachelor’s degree. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 5) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof to the same effect.


2024 年 9 月入学,资助期限为 4 年。

具有高中学历。汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(四级)210 分、 HSKK(中级)60 分。

c) Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education

The program commences in September 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four academic years.
Applicants shall hold a senior high school diploma and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 4) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

2024 年 9 月入学,资助期限为 11 个月。不录取享受过

同类奖学金的申请者。专业方向分为两类: (1)国际中文教育方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)270 分,具有 HSKK 成绩; (2)汉语研修方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)210 分, 提供 HSKK 成绩者优先。

d) ScholarshipforOne-YearStudyProgram

The program commences in September 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of eleven months. International students who have benefited from similar scholarships are not eligible.
i. For the area of International Chinese Language Education, applicants shall have a minimum score of 270 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required. ii. For the area of Chinese Language Study, applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3). Priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.


2024 年 9 月、2025 年 3 月入学,资助期限为 5 个月。 不录取护照上有 X1、X2 签证者。

国际中文教育方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)180 分,具有 HSKK 成绩;

e) Scholarship for One-Semester Study Program

The program commences either in September 2024 or March 2025, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1/X2 visa category are not eligible.
Only International Chinese Language Education is available. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required.


2024 年 7 月或 12 月入学,资助期限为 4 周。不录取护 照上有 X1、X2 签证者。

汉语研修、汉语言+中国家庭体验等方向,具有 HSK 成 绩。可由推荐机构组团进行报名,并事先联系北京语言大学 确定在华学习计划,提前报中心审批,每团 10-15 人。

f) Scholarship for Four-Week Study Program

The program commences either in July or December 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four weeks. Applicants holding the X1/X2 visa category are not eligible.
For the areas of Chinese Language Study, Chinese Language plus Home-Stay Experience with a Chinese Family, applicants are required to provide HSK test scores. The program may be organized and applied for by a recommending institution with 10-15 participants per group. Before the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with host institutions and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for review and approval.


B. ScholarshipforOnlinePrograms

1. 一学年汉语研修线上项目:每年 9 月或 3 月入学。一 般汉语水平考试成绩需达到 HSK(三级)180 分,提供 HSKK 成绩者优先。

a) Online Program for One-Year Chinese Language Study commences in September or March each year. A score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3) is required, and priority will be given to those who also provide an HSKK test score.

2. 一学期汉语研修线上项目:每年 9 月或 3 月入学。一 般需具有汉语水平考试(HSK)成绩(对级别和成绩不作具 体要求)。

b) Online Program for One-Semester Chinese Language Study commences in September or March each year. Under most circumstances, an HSK test score (regardless of level or score) is required.





International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship provides full coverage on tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance (four-week study students are excluded) and comprehensive medical insurance expenses.

Only tuition fee is covered for Online Programs.


2024 年 3 月 1 日起,申请者可登录中外语言交流合作中 心网站(http://www.chinese.cn)国际中文教师奖学金板 块,查询推荐机构与接收院校;在线提交申请材料,关注申 请进程、审核意见与奖学金评审结果;奖学金获得者与我校 确认办理来华留学手续,在线打印获奖证书;按北京语言大 学录取通知书规定的时间入学报到。


Online registration will be available from March 1, 2024 on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website (http://www.chinese.cn). You may search for Recommending Institutions and Host Institutions; submit application materials online; and track the application process. The successful applicant must confirm with the Host Institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, print out the scholarship certificate online, and register at the Host Institution on the designated date as per the Letter of Admission.


2024 年 4 月 15 日(2024 年 7 月入学) 

2024 年 5 月 15 日(2024 年 9 月入学) 

2024 年 9 月 15 日(2024 年 12 月入学) 

2024 年 11 月 15 日(2025 年 3 月入学)

The Application Deadlines (Beijing Time) :

Apr 15, 2024 (for those commencing in July)
May 15, 2024 (for those commencing in September)

Sep 15, 2024 (for those commencing in December)

Nov 15, 2024 (for those commencing in March 2025)

中心委托专家组集中评审:根据 HSK、HSKK 考分和级别,兼顾国别等因素择优资助,于入学前约 3 个月完成奖学金评 审工作,公布评审结果。

CLEC will entrust an expert panel to review the applications. Decisions will be based on HSK and HSKK levels and scores, geographical distribution, and other factors. The results will be published about three months before the program starts.




在职中文教师申请各类奖学金,可提供就职机构出具的 在职证明和推荐信,免提交汉语水平考试(HSK)证书。 

a) In-Service Chinese language Teachers:
In-service Chinese language teachers may be exempted from HSK/HSKK certificates if they provide proof of employment and a letter of recommendation from the employer.


在各类汉语桥比赛中获得“国际中文教师奖学金证书”者, 登录国际中文教师奖学金网站,凭奖学金证书向我校提交申 请材料。

如有问题,请咨询 chinesebridge@chinese.cn。

b) ChineseBridgeWinners:
Applicants who have received the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Certificate during Chinese Bridge competitions may submit their application documents along with their scholarship certificates to BLCU directly at the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website.

For further inquiry, please contact chinesebridge@chinese.cn.



2.HSK、HSKK 成绩报告(有效期两年)扫描件。 


4. 最高学历证明(或毕业预期证明,提供毕业预期证明的同 学须在我校开学报到注册日期之前补交正式毕业的最高学 历证明)



For All Applicants:

a) A scanned copy of passport photo page;
b) A scanned copy of score reports of the HSK and HSKK tests (within the two-year validity);
c) A reference letter by the head of the recommending institutions.
d) A certificate of the highest education diploma (or proof of expected graduation. Students with proof of expected graduation must submit formal certificate of the highest education diploma before the starting and registration time of BLCU.)

1.最高学历成绩单。 2.两封相关专业领域内的副教授(含)以上或具有相当专业 技术职称专家的推荐信。 3.中文个人陈述(含对报考学科专业的认识、拟定研究计划, 3000 字左右)。

4.相关专业导师接收函 5.提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先。

For Degree Program Applicants:

i. For Applicants of the Scholarship for a Doctor’s Degree

  1. a)  An official transcript of the highest education study.
  2. b)  2 reference letters from professors or associate professors or experts withequivalent professional and technical titles in relevant fields.
  3. c)  A 3000-word personal statement in Chinese (including knowledge of the intendedfield of study and research proposal).
  4. d)  The acceptance letter of the supervisor in relevant fields.
  5. e)  Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract witha teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.

2. 两名副教授以上职称导师的推荐信。
3. 学习计划书(包括个人简历、汉语水平及学习经历、以往研究成果、攻读硕士课程期间的研究计划、毕业后的就业目标等。要求 800 字以上,用中文书写。) 4.提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议者优先资助。

ii. For Applicants of the Scholarship for a Master’s Degree a) An official transcript of the highest education study.

  1. b)  2 reference letters from professors or associate professors.
  2. c)  A study plan (including CV, education background, Chinese language proficiency,personal statement on research ability, research proposal, and career plan) above800 Chinese words.
  3. d)  Prioritywillbegiventoapplicantswhomayprovideanemploymentcontractwitha teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.


iii. For Applicants of the Scholarship for a Bachelor’s Degree a)

An official transcript of the highest education study.

补充材料: 1.在职中文教师须附上就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信。 2.未满 18 周岁的申请者,须由其父母正式委托在华常住的 外国人或在京中国人作为该学生的监护人,并提交监护人保 证书公证材料。

注: 1.提供虚假材料者,或申请一学期、四周课程时隐瞒护照上 的 X1 与 X2 签证记录者,一经查实立即取消奖学金资格,申 请人自行承担由此产生的一切后果。 2.学校可根据情况要求学生提供其他材料。

Other Required Application Materials

In-service Chinese language teachers shall provide proof of employment and a reference letter from the employer.
For applicants under the age of 18, their parents should entrust a non-Chinese citizen residing in China or a Chinese residing in Beijing with the student’s guardianship, and provide notarized guardianship guarantee statement.


Applicants for One-Semester and Four-Week program scholarship who withhold X1 or X2 visa are not eligible. Passport pages will be checked upon registration. Those with X1 or X2 visa will be deprived of scholarship. All the consequences caused by providing false documents shall be borne by applicants themselves.

Additional documents will be required by BLCU on certain conditions.


1.相关专业培养方案与教学课程,可查询北京语言大学留学 生招生网站:http://admission.blcu.edu.cn。 

2.学历生须参加年度评审,详见《国际中文教师奖学金年度 评审办法》。 


4.入学体检不合格、中途退学、及未经许可不按时报到、休 学等情况,取消奖学金资格。

 5.申请者只能申请一种由中国政府机构提供的奖学金,重复 申请视为无效,一经查实将取消奖学金资格。


a) For major training plans and courses, please refer to BLCU admission website for international students: http://admission.blcu.edu.cn
b) Degree students are subject to the annual assessment according to the Annual Assessmentl Procedures of the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship.

c) For enrollment and other matters, please contact BLCU.
d) Students who fail to pass the pre-enrollment medical examination, withdraw from school before completing the program, fail to register at the university without prior permission, or suspend their studies will be disqualified for the scholarship.
e) Each applicant can only apply for one scholarship provided by Chinese government. Multiple applications for different scholarships will be considered invalid and such applicants will be disqualified from scholarship.


北京语言大学 国际学生招生处

电话:86-10-82303086 / 82303951 


电邮:admissions2@blcu.edu.cn zhaosh2@blcu.edu.cn 


北京语言大学 孔子学院工作处






International Admissions Office

Beijing Language and Culture University Tel: 86-10-82303086/ 82303951

Fax: 86-10-82303087

Email: admissions2@blcu.edu.cn


Web: http://admission.blcu.edu.cn

Office of Confucius Institute

Beijing Language and Culture University Tel: 86-10-82303272

Fax: 86-10-82303327

E-mail: blcu_cis1@163.com

Web: http://ci.blcu.edu.cn/

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